It is an evil milestone to have so many laws, and ways to interpret them, that no human being could possibly be sure of how to live 100% within the law. I have watched the law flip from Andy Of Mayberry and Perry Mason to folks at a theater cheering for the evil ones winning.

Those of evil purpose twist “case law” to be anything they desire it to be, and to convict anyone they want to convict. It is a rich man’s sub-human game. We have seen it time and again, the evil of winning in the court of the Main-Stream Media long before it gets to the Court Room. Case in point was the O.J. Simpson case. This may have been the singular pivotal moment in time, where the tides of good and evil turned.

“Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

America must reduce the amount of law to be what the Constitution says it is and written to be clearly understood by all Americans. All Congressional bills would be each with one topic only. No more having a bunch of bad laws attached to a good law that needs to be passed.

Mandatory education of all Americans would include American Middle School children earning graduation points learning local and state laws; and in high school, an excellent understanding of our federal laws, and a general understanding of the Top 5 Foreign Country Laws ~ deemed the most important (each year The Secretary of State, One from Chiefs of Staff, and The President choose which five countries are good to understand for that year.)  All adults should know the laws they are expected to live by. THAT’S RIGHT, we are going to have to dump over two centuries of laws.

We need to return to Constitutional Law and make “case law” illegal.

If I were able to wake up each day of my life and know the laws I am expected to live by, they might look something like this:

1.           Do not murder. If a human being has a heartbeat it is alive. Regarding children, it does not matter the location of the child, inside or outside the mother’s womb, children have the same rights of Constitutional Law as all Americans.

2.           Do not steal – period.

3.           Do not bear false witness against another.

4.           Do not lie under oath.

5.           No labor on Sunday unless it is dealing with the health of another in your care. I think we learned how to reconnect families during the recent lockdown. Families had this day of rest in the 1950’s and 1960’s.  I remember families doing things together on Sunday.

6.           Families should, by law, take care of family members ~ taking them into our homes or pay for their care ~ we are primarily talking about grandparents above the age of 65, widows and orphans.

7.           Do not commit adultery. Divorce may be granted in favor of the person who was faithful to the marriage. If you are concerned about things like prenuptial agreements because there is some level of distrust, do not get married.

8.           When someone dies, his/her estate is distributed as follows (once again, if you have a problem with this, perhaps you should consider not marrying until you meet someone you trust):
              ~            If married, net of assets and expenses are given to / or borne by the spouse.
              ~            If not married, but children exist ~ and the net of assets and expenses is an asset ~ each child will receive an equal amount. If the net is a debt, the vendors will write off the debt.
              ~            If not married, and no children exist, but a will exists giving assets and expenses to a relative, friend or an organization, these wishes will be honored if the party accepts.
              ~            Except for the 3 examples above, the assets and expenses will be absorbed by the state that the person resided in.

9.           Citizenship:
              ~            is afforded to those born in the U.S. and have at least one parent who is a U.S. Citizen.
              ~            is afforded to those born outside the U.S., but has one parent who is a U.S. Citizen .
              ~            is afforded to those who came to the U.S. through a legal U.S. port of entry, awarded a temporary visa, and pass the test for Citizenship. Any Citizenship to another country will be null and void, and the new citizen must sign legal papers to the country of origin, denouncing any other citizenship. No American Citizen may hold dual citizenship.

10.         There will be NO laws passed that add or detract from these basic base-line laws, and the Constitution.

11.         There will be NO laws passed by Congress to give themselves any higher salary than the current median – middle class salary. Members of Congress will not have any benefits such that as an employee of a corporation. The only benefit a Member of Congress will receive is their salary.

12.         There will be no local, state, or federal office with any terms longer than 8 years total for life.

13.         Schools:
              There will be a special school state sales tax that will be 100% given to the EQUAL benefit of each child who is enrolled in the state online school. Each child will be provided digital services in their home for school learning. Most classes will be online classes – your child can learn at home – or an accredited neighborhood school group. The parent / guardian must take their children to xx number of hours accredited socializing activities, where they may meet other children their age, and lives in their neighborhood. There will be a state list each school year of approved places for socializing: concerts, swimming, skating, gymnastics, ballet, jazz, home building activities, sports clubs (football, hockey, baseball, basketball,. . . ), attending sports games, cooking club, chess club, homemaking club, science club, English Literature club / writing club, etc.)

14.         Sales Taxes:

              There will be two federal sales tax:
              ~ One to pay for the military.
              ~ One to pay for once-a-quarter, two-week sessions each year for both houses of Congress. The rest of the time they should be in their home states working for their constituents.

              There will be two state and local sales tax:
              ~ One to pay for the police.
              ~ One to pay for free health clinics, two for each zip code.

15. All business owners decide how their own businesses are run. If the public is against something such as a smoking area, then they will not frequent that business, and give their support to another business. This is how it works best – We the People do not need to be micro-managed.

16.    Hospitals are for profit institutions, with caps on the fees to be collected for services.
          Except for salaried doctors working in free health clinics, all physicians are for profit institutions, with caps to be collected for services.

17.     Caps on doctor, hospital, and insurance fees are set by citizen volunteers – with successful resumes in the medical field, but not doctors, or hospital administrators. Such affiliation will be an asset for any medical field workers’ resumes.

Adding laws should often go to the population of citizens to vote yea or nay on issues that are volatile. Our Congressmen should debate these issues on the television for all to watch. There ya’ go. The law should be as easy and simple as this example I created for the sake of the reader being able to envision what our new law might look like. Obviously, there would be more – for example: One party damages the other; One party damages the other’s property; and Murder One, Two, Three. But it should not be much more than a reasonable citizen could understand and have a working knowledge of. Remember that there can be no utopia as long as men have a sin nature. Obviously, our 70+% Christian population has these laws plus a few more outlined in Exodus 21, and throughout the New Testament.

Copyright © 2020 by Juanita Holloway-Walters

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How do you explain U.S. Senators willing to throw American justice under the proverbial bus of character death, in light of –
– A judge of impeccable record and character;
– A judge who has passed many FBI investigations;
– A devoted husband;
– A father;
– A man who has had hundreds of classmates, adult friends, and professional relationships give him
high marks for character;

The same people whom Americans have rejected in the last Presidential race, are now pushing the narrative that is opposite of our judicial system:
– Any accuser can accuse you of heinous crimes, and they must be believed because “look how courageous and brave” they are to come forward;
– The good judge is not to be believed because he is a man;
– The good judge is guilty because the propaganda media says so;
– Therefore, when it is convenient for the propaganda media, you are guilty until you can prove you are innocent.

The first woman accuser cannot remember where or when the good judge – to use a Baby Boomer expression from the sixties – forcibly felt her up for a brief span of time. Her BFF says she never knew of any such incident. The witnesses the accuser has named deny any knowledge of this alleged incident.

The second woman accuser called classmates before coming forward, asking if they remembered her alleged incident where the good judge exposed himself at a party, BECAUSE SHE JUST WASN’T SURE IF IT WAS HIM. (Talk about plausible deniability!) All class mates said they did not remember any such alleged incident.

The hooker’s sleazy judge, not wanting to be excluded from this smearing party, claims he has a string of women who will testify that the good judge allegedly participated in orgy sex. I suspect these people are like the ones Soros and the Democratic Party paid to be rioters at the beginning of the good judges’ confirmation process hearings.

On a personal note: I can tell you how it feels to be railroaded in a legal proceeding. In a divorce proceeding where we both filed for a divorce, my ex, his lawyer, and the judge were in legion with each other. During the first phase of the hearing, my ex accused me of doing every bad thing he had done – primarily his infidelity. (This is called projection, and the enemy within our country loves to use projection.)

I wrote on my lawyer’s legal pad that it was all lies. She wrote on her legal pad that I would get my turn to speak, after my ex finished his testimony. She lied. Before I knew it, the gavel sounded, and it was all over. She said that I would be just fine, and she needed the money they paid her, and she would deny it if I chose to do anything about it. She knew I had no money left for attorney fees. I FELT VIOLATED.

It would seem that this kind of corruption has become the norm instead of the exception I believed it to be at the time it happened to me.  If America lets this happen to the good judge, we can all expect that our broken system cannot be fixed – so what is the point of voting. This is the reaction from you that they are now counting on.


I am reminded of the prose by Martin Niemoller (1892-1934) depicting what happened when GOOD CITIZENS DID NOTHING!
“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out – because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me.”

The Ninth Biblical Commandment says, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” If we ignore what IS happening, are we not just as guilty as the people railroading the good judge? Our Judaeo-Christian law tells us that ‘A PERSON IS INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY, BEYOND A SHADOW OF DOUBT.’


Contact your Senators TODAY and tell them that this good judge is being railroaded by a group of people who have no respect for our Constitutional Law; and are making our Constitutional law to be null and void. If we do not stop this today, you can expect the same treatment I received, and the same treatment the good judge is receiving. On any future date you may be accused of things you did not say or do.


You may quote me on this,
Texas Lady Juanita
Copyright © 2018 by Juanita Holloway-Walters

All Rights Reserved.

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