Monthly Archives: July 2014


Other than to stop giving funds to those who did not pay into Social Security, we can stop the BILLIONS given to the Global Warming HOAX each and every year! You owe it to yourself to watch this video, and then do your own research into the thousands of scientists who have proven the hoax. Their science is based on actual satellite data. Those who perpetrate the hoax for big money, and the U.N. that derives power use computer models of the same ilk that cannot accurately predict your weather tomorrow, next week, or next month. You owe it to your children, your grandchildren, and yourselves to find the truth and educate your friends and family.

The Shortest Commentary

Dealing with life or death issue of cancer in my love, my husband. He and I know that we have nothing to fear in this temporal existence. Our Christian faith is strong. Our eventual place in eternity is certain. Except that our time be shortened in that one unique generation, we shall all experience the death of these temporary temporal bodies.  Our learning of the unified message on every page of the Bible is a sure and constant comfort. We pray every one of you have found The Gospel regarding Jesus to be your highest truth.

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