Monthly Archives: November 2013


How many generations have believed they were living in the end-times? The meanings of the words, lessons, and stories in the Bible are now understood to be literal. Some Biblical verses were a mystery to even our grandparents, and could not be fully understood until more recent technological times. There are a few verses that remain a mystery to today’s Bible scholars. In recent generations man has come further in innovation and technology (knowledge) than all the generations before combined. There is that reconciliation between scripture and science that has become very clear in recent decades; and the Biblical connection is in simple understandable words. It was always there, but could not be truly understood completely until modern times. That is exciting. Each generation derived good meaning from the scriptures, only becoming more fine-tuned in clarity of understanding with each passing generation. But, for God, assisting so many different authors to produce an end result that fits together so completely is one of the ways our Lord is revealed as the true author. I can tell you that I am sick of people who have not studied the scriptures telling me what they are and what they are not. (Note: I recommend the King James Version, known to Bible scholars as the best English Translation. Some newer translations change the meanings of scriptures.)

Of course I do not know when the end times begin or end; but, never before has the whole world been so in tune with the prophecies. The miracle of the multitude of cross references within the Bible of such exacting degrees is mind boggling once you begin to study and understand. Like anything that seems more complex than anything you could imagine, and after much study you reach a moment when all of a sudden it all falls in to place. One example is the “types” of Christ all through the Old Testament that come alive no matter where you open the Bible.

IF these are the end times, I expect events in the United States to continue to disintegrate. HOWEVER, if we see a great Christian re-awakening in the United States, then we are probably not in the end times. I can say that with absolute confidence. Why? I saw a short movie this evening that brought what is happening in the Middle East into crystal clear view. We have been talking about the two Americas for about 5 or 6 Presidential election cycles. We are either going to come back together, kick all the bums on both sides of the aisle out of office and start running our own country, raising our own kids, educating our own kids with historical and local wisdom, making everyone obey our laws who wishes to be in our country, start our industries up again, stop shipping our jobs out of the country, etc. etc. etc. – or not. Americans are either going to wake up and revive our successful American culture – or not. Americans are going to protect our borders and kick undesirables out of our country – or not. Americans will revive our Christian nation – or not.

To change gears for a minute, the movie I saw this evening is an hour long and it is called Iranium. The link is at the end of this commentary. To highlight what it reminded me of, and I already knew, plus a few of my own remembrances:
–     During Jimmy Carter’s Presidency, Iran terrorists held American hostages for 444 days. I remember how terrifying this was.
–     Within hours after President Reagan gave his oath of office, with his hand on a Bible, our hostages were released on Jan. 20, 1981. Our enemy saw Carter as a weak leader, and saw Reagan as a strong leader; but even Reagan did not resolve our Middle East problems while they were less than atomic.
–     The Iranian Constitution states that religious Iranian Sharia Law is the Law of the World. The Iranian Mullah’s, who are the actual dictatorial government, truly believe that we are all to be wiped off the planet because they believe the world belongs to them.
–     Iran has sponsored terrorism against Jews and Christians, Israel and America, and our allies all over the world my entire adult life – over 40 years. The enemy wages war against us, and hide behind
innocents, or in Mosques because they have been made to feel safe. The enemy attacks us through
terrorism as often as they do because they see us as weak.
–     In Iranian schools children are taught “Death to America.”
–     Iran has many arms to commit terror – Hezbollah, Al Qaida, Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, and others. Middle Eastern Oil money in the billions each year supports terrorism. There are terror cells all over the world in any country they care to operate in – including the United States. Our     government has done nothing substantial to close our borders.
–     When terrorists bombed in Beirut, Lebanon in 1983 – it was considered the largest non-nuclear bombing ever. 299 murdered / 241 of the murdered were American. We pulled our 1,400 Marines
out of Lebanon, and this was the pivotal moment when Iran decided we would back down over and over again. (I.e. Iran provided material support to the 9/11 hijackers;  Benghazi)
–     I remembered the evidence that the Kansas City bombing was allegedly tied to Iranian terrorism, but that evidence was suppressed from Americans.
–     Sanctions? Working sanctions? You must be joking. Iran has huge energy deals with China and India.
–     Iran does not comply with agreements regarding their race to be a nuclear threat – not with the Non-Proliferation Treaty – not with the I.A.E.A. (International Atomic Energy Agency) – not with the U.N. Security Council.
–     Iran has dozens of sites for their nuclear work deep underground.
–     They have purchased all the plans for building an atomic weapon, and are enriching plutonium and uranium to that purpose.
–     The actions of this Administration in the Middle East have done more to help the enemy than to
harm the enemy – sending money and weapons to rebel forces that are Iranian / terror sponsored.
–     The 1998 Iranian scud missile tests were actually EMP attack testing, which is a type of attack that would send the U. S. back to the 18th century in seconds by detonating an atomic bomb miles above the U.S. Our government has not made our infrastructure safe from EMP attack even though it would only cost billions. It is common knowledge that such an attack would be launched from a ship off of our shores in International Water – or even in one of our ports. Only 5% of the ships in our ports get a visual inspection.
–     Iran wants WWIII and; if we mutually destroy each other, they will be happy with that outcome. They believe they need to bring on nuclear war / destruction to end the world and bring back their messiah (which is not my Christian messiah). In fact their end-times scenario is the exact opposite of the Christian end-times scenario.
–     Many Iranian citizens want to overturn their leaders, but many Iranian citizens have died just expressing those desires.
–     Iran has vowed to destroy the United States and Israel. This vow has been repeated many times.
–     Terrorists are in bed with Mexican Drug Cartels and enter our country at will.
–     Our enemies who wish to annihilate us call this a religious war . . . why don’t Americans?
–     “An organization linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and the Qatari government is making a $1 billion real estate investment in the hope that the complex will “become the unequivocal centerpiece of Downtown D.C.” Among its features is a Qatari cultural center named Al-Bayt, or “Home.” See    article:  Do Americans know that Iranians have vowed to rule from our White House one day soon?

Heavy sanctions are the only peaceful political hope to force Iran to stop developing a nuclear bomb. “A report indicates that US President Barack Obama has been easing sanctions on Iran for the past five months without Congressional approval, and despite the lack of any agreement over the Islamic regime’s nuclear weapons program. . . . The Tribune report appears to fall in line with previous analysis that warned that Obama was rushing to seal a deal with Iran, and in the process was turning his back on US allies, Israel and Saudi Arabia. Indeed US Secretary of State John Kerry told the Senate in a briefing Wednesday to “ignore anything the Israelis say.”

The Iranian threats to end America and Israel brings you down? You don’t want to hear it? Your friends and family don’t want to hear about it, or talk about it? As long as Americans don’t want to think about Iran’s threats to America and Israel, we can be certain that on a day when we least expect it, terrorists will either set off a Nuclear Bomb in an American city, or a Nuclear EMP over the U.S. What is the alternative hope to change this outcome? One, it is time to elect Americans to office who are actually going to do everything that is the best for We the People. Two, is to be a force for good change . . . bring America back to our Judeo-Christian values . . . bring America to her knees in prayer together for a re-birth of our Christian faith, and pray like crazy for the Lord to intervene and end regimes that want to destroy all of mankind. Whether that takes the shape of the people in the Middle East to get our help to overthrow the nut-jobs who want to destroy the world, or America remembers who she is and starts leading from strength. The only lasting peace in history comes from a show of might, strength, and tremendous DEMONSTRABLE faith in God.

Our United States official motto is still: “In God We Trust”. When will America live up to her motto? The God in our motto is our Christian God, and no other. “In God We Trust” was adopted as the official motto of the United States in 1956. “In God We Trust” first appeared on U.S. coins in 1864, and has appeared on paper currency since 1957. America has had at least two spiritual revivals. After WWII, when America turned back to God, she knew many years of prosperity. Today, I believe we turn our back on our Christian God at our own peril.

There is a lot of information here. As Americans, reading foundational information about our country is imperative in order for America to turn in a positive direction. We are a Christian nation, and any study of original materials from our founding will hold that truth to be self-evident. Reading propaganda opinions about those original documents designed to make Americans ignorant regarding our birthright is a mistake of colossal proportions. We owe it to our future generations to get this right. When the Supreme Court took a phrase from a Jefferson personal letter out of context to over-rule Christian studies in our public schools, it was a lie – it is time to correct that lie, and the house of cards that has been built on it.

Here is the link to the short movie Iranium: I pray you become engaged in educating your friends and family on the urgent need for America to mend her rifts and come together for our children and grand-children. God Bless America and her citizens who will be instrumental in bringing us to a new revival, and God’s providence and protection.

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Voter fraud is rampant. See this article for example:
BIG QUESTIONS FOR CONSERVATIVES: How do we overcome the cheating?
If we stoop to the same illegal practices, then we are no better than they are.
Overturning an election is damn near impossible, even if it is stolen.
QUESTION:  If someone has to cheat to win – why does the non-cheating public put up with all the cheating?
QUESTION:  How can I just roll over and accept the cheating, and still consider myself a good and honest citizen?
THE BIG QUESTION: How can we win against effective cheaters?
There is an honest solution; there always is.
It begins with you.
Can you peacefully become the solution?
Can you peacefully teach us an honest and truthful solution?
Why not you?

(LOL I am back to: “Why Not You” . I wrote a bunch of “Why Not You” commentaries at under my name Juanita Holloway-Walters)

OH for my John, a Marine, a disabled Vietnam veteran, who is the most honorable man on the planet.
Happy Birthday to the Marines today – and happy Veterans Day tomorrow.
My love, I thank you for your 13 years of outstanding service to our Republic . . . even Special Ops assignments such as living in an enemy tree for a month are such amazing testaments to your faithful character. I always think of that one because I don’t think I could do it. I am so spoiled by you, that I will likely never have to find out what something like that is like.

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Face the Cross now . . . or later . . . two different outcomes.
Now – accepting the meaning of the Cross and Christ.
Later – at mankind’s individual day-of-judgment.
So many people in America today demonstrate with their words and actions an expressed belief that men are gods; and men can say and do anything without fear of consequences; therefore, the conclusion in effect is that nothing has eternal meaning.
Men can fool others – and themselves – but not God.
How has America fallen so far into the depths of existential deceit?
Why are there so many Luke-Warm American Christians?
So many believing the wide path of tolerance leads them to “collective salvation” . . .
– tolerance even for humans who teach their children to hate and murder . . .
– tolerance even for those who maim and treat women like dirt . . .
– tolerance for vile nastiness of human expression in our entertainment . . .
– tolerance for multitude of man’s laws making almost all citizens guilty of something – destroying their
   spirit and natural tendencies good-ward . . . or God-ward – and ignoring Gods Commandments . . .
– tolerance for those who do not study God’s word, but condemn it . . .
– tolerance for stealing the fruits of another’s labor, while not even making an honest effort to take
   responsibility for one’s own existence . . .
– we are seeing tolerance for every religion (atheism is a religion) except Christianity and Judaism . . .

Salvation is based on belief in the gospel regarding Jesus Christ, as prophesied in the Bible.
My Creator is evident in everything seen and unseen (quantum).
The question you do not allow yourself is this:
Why would I question my Creator’s ability to come to Earth by being born of a woman into human life,
(to experience our life on Earth – why I think that ‘created in His image’ is our souls – ending the argument on God’s ‘color’)
and to perform miracles for thousands to see,
and to die on the Cross to make a lasting impression in the world of men,
and to die on the cross to atone for my sins – the only way to cleanse me,
and to be buried in a sealed cave,
and to rise alive three days later and be seen by hundreds,
and to ascend from this world to where He chose to be in Heaven;
but also leaving behind that link between each of us who become aware of it and to Him by belief –
His Holy Spirit.
Once I believed, I am in contact with Him 24/7/365, and I am changed forever – AND MY FELLOW HUMANS LIVE IN A BETTER WORLD WHEN I AM THINKING AND BEING AS A CHILD OF GOD.
Being in a state of Grace and Prayer are in me now like a clean and gentle breeze I breathe as I travel through this finite reality named Earth.
I pray that if you have not come to know our Lord, our Creator, our Savior, that you give it some serious thought.
Before reading scripture, pray on it for understanding and you will come to see the Lord’s signature in every word on every page of the Bible.
The books that made it into the Bible – why would you think that a Creator capable of Creating you would not be able to influence which books made the Bible?
Pray to know Him and the truth of the Gospel – and as the Bible says:
John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Yes; and Amen.
Billy Graham is an amazing teacher – here is his message to America on his 95th Birthday . . .


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Back from Vacation and “Resume of Jesus Christ”. . .

I have a couple of commentary in pencil form I will be cleaning up to post soon. In the meantime, my good friend and pen pal Donna sent me something so amazing that it will be my Bible study for as long as it takes to give every reference some blessed time. There was no author’s name on it and the brackets indicate a change I made . . . THIS IS SO EXCELLENT!!!

Address:   Ephesians 1:20
Phone: Romans 10:13
Website: The [Blue Letter] Bible . com
Keywords: Christ, Lord, Savior and Jesus
My name is Jesus – The Christ. Many call me Lord! I’ve sent you my resume because I’m seeking the top management position in your heart. Please consider my accomplishments as set forth in my resume.
I founded the earth and established the heavens. (See Proverbs 3:19)
I formed man from the dust of the ground. (See Genesis 2:7)
I breathed into man the breath of life. (See Genesis 2:7)
I redeemed man from the curse of the law. (See Galatians 3:13)
The blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant come upon your life through me. (See Galatians 3:14)
I’ve only had one employer. (See Luke 2:49)
I’ve never been tardy, absent, disobedient, slothful or disrespectful.
My employer has nothing but rave reviews for me. (See Matthew 3:15 – 17)
Some of my skills and work experiences include: empowering the poor to be poor no more; healing the brokenhearted; setting the captives free; healing the sick; restoring sight to the blind; and setting at liberty them that are bruised. (See Luke 4:18)
I am a Wonderful Counselor. (See Isaiah 9:6)
People who listen to shall dwell safely and shall not fear evil. (See Proverbs 1:33)
Most importantly, I have the authority, ability and power to cleanse you of your sins. (See 1 John 1:7 – 9)
I encompass the entire breadth and length of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. (See Proverbs 2:6)
In me are hid all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (See Colossians 2:3)
My Word is so powerful; it has been described as being a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. (See Psalms 119:105)
I can even tell you all of the secrets of your heart. (See Psalms 44:21)
I was an active participant in the greatest Summit Meeting of all times. (See Genesis 1:26)
I laid down my life so that you may live. (See II Corinthians 5:15)
I defeated the arch enemy of God and mankind and made a show of them openly. (See Colossians 2:15)
I’ve miraculously fed the poor, healed the sick and raised the dead!
There are many more major accomplishments, too many to mention here.
You can read them on my website, which is located at [www . the Blue Letter] Bible . com, or your own copy of the book, The Holy Bible (King James version is what I recommend)].
You don’t need an internet connection or computer to access my Word.
Believers and followers worldwide will testify to my divine healing, salvation, deliverance, miracles, restoration and supernatural guidance.
Now that you have read my resume, I am confident that I am the only candidate uniquely qualified to fill this vital position in your heart. In summation, I will properly direct your paths (See Proverbs 3:5 – 6), and lead you into everlasting life. (See John 6:47)
When can I start? Time is of the essence. (See Hebrews 3:15)
Send this resume to everyone you know, you never know who may have an opening!
Thank you for your help.

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