Tag Archives: fascism



Many ask how the RINO Republicans can go along with Far-Left Democrats? Other than rampant blackmail all parties dabble in, the answer is easy. Below is a picture I posted on Facebook. I was surprised to find out that some did not understand this explanation of The Political Spectrum.

                                                                                                                                             I will come back to the chart in a minute>>>

Having hijacked the term “Nondenominational” to now be an actual denomination (guessing originally for tax exempt purposes), my late husband and I became known as Christian Evangelicals of no particular Christian denomination. As I have stated, many times, I believe the denominations have divided and subdivided many times over The Body of Christ (sad). It is important to keep this in mind when reading anything I write. We had a conundrum because we are Biblically directed to gather with other Christians by congregating, but our churches, schools, and local governments in large part have been infiltrated by far-left Socialists as early as the 70’s. I have not yet found the Christian church where I feel like I belong.

One day several years ago John sent me an email on a rainy Sunday that had us doing nothing in  particular on our computers in our home office. He had taken a test and wanted me to take it to compare our results. The test ended with the same information pictured above on an almost identical chart. I remember wondering if the questions were ever going to come to an end. There were well over a hundred questions that I answered. John and I had identical bankers’ desks facing each other and touching. He was watching me the whole time I was answering questions. I emailed my results to him as soon as it popped up. My DOT was about an inch to the right of center, and about a quarter inch below the line. John’s DOT was kissing my DOT. There was a similar comment that we were rare people in the United States, and perhaps we should share why we describe ourselves as being very Conservative, but our dots were well in the moderate zone – “apolitical.” If you know me personally, can you imagine that – apolitical? WHAT THIS MEANS IS THAT IF JOHN AND I ARE VERY CONSERVATIVE – AND WE ARE – WHAT DOES THAT MEAN ABOUT MANY OTHERS?

First, the easy answer to how the RINO Republicans can go along with Far-Left Democrats. Take the line in the chart and mentally vision the left and right ends coming together to make a circle. Not only do you have them coming together in a large evil purpose area, and you often have far left behaving like Anarchists, and the far right often behaving like Communists (switching places). You have these people meeting in the far fringes of their side of the line.

These groups are so far out there that they are law breakers and will do anything to convince you that they are right. They believe that the winning end justifies the means – ANY MEANS. It is an evil code of behavior widely acceptable to the throngs who have come to believe the extremes are necessary.

Having erroneously abandoned their churches to the fringes, good people are easily deceived by one side or the other. The Bible warns us about this time in history when good would be considered bad; and bad would be considered good. Satan always has an anti-Christ along with anti-Christ sidekicks in the wings in case it becomes go-time. Remember, only God knows when, so Satan has no choice but to have a full court of evil characters ready to participate. The pendulum swings back and forth, and this scenario ebbs and flows with the times.

I had to do some thinking about why John and I are so close to the center of the line. The truth is not an easy one to discover. John and I (and millions of you) have done the study time and understand the lessons in the Bible for us in our time, as well as the lessons for any time in history. This book is so unique, that seen through the lens of people in different eras, they see the lessons for them in their time. This book says what it means and means what it says – no twisting of the meanings of things necessary; in fact, scriptures specifically tell us we are not allowed to change His meanings.  In our time, science and The Bible have caught up with each other. This is an amazing find for each of us individually, or together in small groups.

Because of our Biblical view, and a decent knowledge of history, we are happy to discover that we are just right of center, and if this is so – what does that mean? It means that the chart is not complete. Under the line, just under the word “Moderate” should be these words:
                    Unity of Faith
                    Godly purpose
We were created by The Lord in and for love, for God’s Glory. The political far left, and the RINO’s of the far right have proven useless in bringing people together long-term. They have zero to offer any Americans who want to return to God, Family, Peace and Country – in that order. The statement “Christian far Right” is a lie. Christians are not at the far right, but center instead.

Now I understand why The Lord tells me to write, every time I ask what would He have me do with whatever time I have left on this planet. Having escaped total ruin and/or death many times, I know why He keeps sending me back. Whether one or twenty are meant to get something out of my life and my educated views it does not matter. Whoever is supposed to get something from this – was directed by The Lord – whether they know it or not.

Copyright © 2020 by Juanita Holloway-Walters

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I find the following article to be completely accurate with the exception of the reference to religions since most Christians use religion and Christianity interchangeably. I believe in the Gospel regarding Jesus Christ . . . and God. I believe we will all belong to eternity, and our choices will have a direct impact on where we reside in eternity. I have studied the Holy Bible and can tell you with absolute certainty that we and all of the universe are Created by our Creator. Satan is in control of the earth at the moment, and is wielding his most evil plans for us. When the word religion is used in the following article – I will agree with the caveat that I believe the man-made denominations which are not in the Holy Bible have worked to divide the Body of Christ / Christianity. Many Secular Christians will have the hardest fall of any humans when they understand what they believe is wrong. The ultimate truth for man is found in serious study of the Holy Bible, and the liberating belief that I believe in a Creator, and I am His child. Even if you do not like to read, you will be enriched by reading the following, and you should take the time to read it, even if only a paragraph every few hours until it is completed. Please take the time to read the following that I copied from the Government Rag:

“Darkness, Darkness

Hide my yearning

For the things I cannot be

Keep my mind from constant turning

Toward the things I cannot see now”

The Youngbloods

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope,it was the winter of despair.”

Charles Dickens,  “ A Tale of Two Cities”

History Regurgitates 

by Jack Mullen

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” 

George Santayana 

Charles Dickens begins his book “A Tale of Two Cities” with the line, “It was the best of times,it was the worst of times”, I doubt Dickens’ time could have look better or worse than our times now: let me explain.

We are witnessing a violent regurgitation of history never learned.

It’s happening again, according to script in the same way as the last times – even discussing it seems cartoonish, when will  mankind ever learn? Perhaps this is our last chance, our hail Mary moment, because the enemy does learn and is about to lock the entire world in a grotesque, dystopian tyranny, using the same deceptions, recreated drama, clownish tricks, tactics and false flag fear used each time in the past.  Only this time, it would seem the enemy has learned how to make it last.

It’s astounding the new(old) world tyranny would attempt, again, to use the same psychological deceptions and just plain tiring bromides to deceive Americans and the Western world into disarming and capitulating to iron fisted tyranny; A tyranny busy in plain site building a prison planet, a permanent residence for humanity – with no doors and no windows, only darkness.

From The Cradle to the Grave

For at least the past 600 years (and no doubt longer) the financially super wealthy and so-called elite families (hereditarily psychopaths) have been busy planning to capture the entire planet in a web of tyranny which, for the first time in our recorded history, could put the entire planet in the hands of those who believe they would be kings.

The strategy has included a patient, slow planning and testing period using country after country as a laboratory for improving both technological and psychological tools for use in the final enslavement of the planetary population.  The united States of America was chosen as the vehicle for the final 200+ years of wealth generation and technological improvements to fund and develop the entire package necessary for world domination.

Along the way many ancient secrets and previously failed ideas were tried again with improvements added to increase efficacy. So rather than using physical methods to subdue large populations, chemical, biological, psychological, electrical and nano technologies are being implemented to create the perfect environment for total capture.

An important and necessary component of the total domination is the practical requirement that mankind assist in their enslavement. Over the years many failed philosophies and social ideologies have been marketed to humans as a way to enlist support of the psychopaths plan.  Collectivism has been one of the most successful ways to recruit weak, unprotected, minds into cooperating with their own enslavement.

Collectivist based governments and social systems result in outstandingly miserable conditions and crippling losses of liberty, but interestingly, when packaged and marketed properly, a majority of people will adopt and aggressively support the ideas. Human psychological frailties help maintain support for Collectivism, even when it becomes apparent it is a prison, a trap wherein victims have been collected as slaves.

Since collectivism has repeatedly been tried by tyrants attempting to control entire countries, there has been much written and many warnings previously issued exposing these ideas.  Modern psychopaths have used education systems, food and water contaminants, and the proclivity for humans to become docile when constantly entertained, as a way to prevent this highly documented knowledge from passing generation to generation.

Those of us awake have to watch in continuing horror as Obama, intellectual heir of Marxist Frank Marshal Davis, and confidant of terrorist and communist activist Bill Ayers, makes speeches to college students and political rallies spewing the same second hand communist propaganda spoken in former soviet Russia, communist China, communist Cuba and elsewhere. The rhetoric is entraining, delivered with the confidence of a trained actor, but the message is the same:  “We are the government and we will take care of all of your needs from the cradle to the grave”

A  key word in this tired, communist, repetitive, repudiated, drone-on, is the grave; the grave will be the first stop for most of those standing and loudly supporting this fabricated deception.

The idea of the technocrats, bureaucrats, and our benevolent betters, controlling society is not a new thing. The  “Just City” or “Utopia” or the “workers paradise” or any other outright inversions of reality repeated and promulgated by serial liars, disguised as do-gooders, has been a plague on humankind since the time of Babylon.  Plato in his famous bit of predictive prose “The Republic”  envisioned a “Just City”, run by guardians, chosen at childhood and raised by the state to be the perfect care takers of the lower classes.  “Just City” was based on a communist model of shared property, including women, children raised by the state, and regimented societies managed by layers of bureaucracy . Children of inferior parentage would be left to die (sacrificed for the state.) Not surprisingly – Plato’s “Just City” is just the city psychopathic power tyrants would love to infest, eventually occupy and rule. ( See my article;  “Pathocracy: Tyranny at the hands of Psychopaths” , below)

After “Just City”, variations of Plato’s enlightened and intellectually pleasing, but reality challenged ideas, came along, such as Thomas More’s “Utopia”, loosely resembling Plato’s idea, with communal property and legislated morality – basically a community, which at least aesthetically, is reminiscent of the communities in the movie “The Hunger Games”. Each of the 54 communities in the Utopian, “Utopia”, were broken down into groups of 30 communes controlled by a bureaucracy; a hierarchy of ‘managers’  with absolute power over the commune.

Utopian schemes and sugar coated derivatives typically feature control over sex, religion, choice of occupation, child raising, choices regarding what to think and believe, etc. Utopian ideas have been refined with years and years of “intellectual” improvements leading to modern police states, properly called technocracies, with technology aiding the controllers in relentless refinements in the control of humans. The primary ideas of police-state control zones based on ‘Utopian’ delusions involve a total loss of individuality in subservience to a State or control paradigm. Utopias, ancient or modern, value uniformity over individuality with penalties for expressions of individuality.

Plato and More and many other contributors to ideas resulting in modern authoritarian police states (such as Rousseau, Marx etc ) are expressing symptoms of their own psychological pathology. How would it be consistent with man’s continued survival and ascendancy toward higher expressions of consciousness if the nature of living were to support a static uniformity while functioning as a component in a mechanized equivalent of a human bee hive? See the Youtube video in the references for a modern approach to an old Utopian idea. [A]

The crime of the intellectual establishment, generally funded by wealthy psychopathic elite, is ignoring the mental health of those espousing systems of human civilization which clearly have no benefit to the individual, or worse, these systems, in the long run, result in the destruction of the individual.  It must be obvious being born an individual, as are all other men, implies a maximally individual experience is the natural goal and highest value of being alive.

Pathologies ranging from denial, reaction formation and victim identity cycle operating in the personality types of psychopaths can lead to projections of human personality disorders on physical systems in real life.  Hitler, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and so many others, are examples of psychological pathologies preying on the ‘intellectual’ sanctification of neurotic “Utopian” ideas. Mentally ill minds projecting a distorted reality into real world constructions ultimately result in classic tyranny and suffering by those affected.

Organizations can evolve from malignant ideas, resulting in dangerous life extinguishing paradigms enveloping whole societies as cults of death and misappropriating the human experience. The wealthy psychopathic elite use large monetary endowments and trusts to create, fund, direct and manipulate organizations based on mentally ill and malignant ideas.

As the ideas of Plato and More have been tried and failed, with each failure they have been refined and repackaged into something sounding even better than previous renditions. Words like marxism (19th century) and communism or workers paradise (20th century renditions), have been upgraded to sustainable and environmentally responsible societies,  promising happiness through serving others, living more austere and protecting the planet while serving a collective goal and authority. This claptrap has been created to appeal to ‘smart’, socially responsible and trendy intellectual types that have already been programmed to find these kind of ideas attractive.

Publicly educated, modern ‘intellectuals’ having been granted ‘degrees’, representing knowledge, fully understand why it is important to support a belief their education and degrees are actually based on truth and real knowledge – they are not.  The ‘degrees’ are more akin to degrees of freemasonry or other occulted, reality isolated, paradigms. The education is a narrative supporting the paradigm, called knowledge, since it represents knowledge of the paradigm.

So-called Liberals were yesterday’s communists and a former generation’s Utopians. Controlled education systems ( think Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford foundations) ensure history is replaced with fiction and thinking is reserved only for most deserving elite.

This plan guarantees well ‘educated’ (indoctrinated) , tax payer (slave) common folk can never know when these hereditary thieves regurgitate the same wholly repudiated body of fabricated  ‘knowledge’ and hurl it on the minds of the naive, once again achieving the predicted results.

“If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking… is freedom.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower

How humiliating it is, the majority of Americans have bought and paid for the same package of tyranny responsible for the American revolution some 237 years ago. The same re-packaged garbage resulting in the murder of tens of millions of Russians while the psychopaths at the top promised a ‘workers paradise’. The workers got paradise – they were quickly dispatched to kingdom come, while the ‘grand architects’ of a “worker’s paradise” reveled in what I call a psychopath’s moment of ecstasy: the precise moment at which the bubble of deceit finds it largest diameter and explodes, exposing the victim to a tumultuous emotional mountain of pain.

“When I look for these people, I look for someone to exploit, someone to expose all their weaknesses to themselves and leave them broken, hating themselves more than most of them already do. I enjoy causing people to realize the nasty truths of themselves (which is usually that they are pathetic lying individuals) even if I have to be hypocritical and lie myself in order to get my point across.” ~ a female psychopath

The psychopath’s moment of ecstasy happens as the deceiver is revealed to the deceived, with further criteria: the deceived is powerless to take any action.

To explain by example, and belabor the point, the psychopath’s moment of ecstasy is the moment when people discover the patriot act is not patriotic at all, but really the exact opposite, but, it is too late, Homeland ‘Security’ is already at the door with goons and guns.  It’s the moment food lovers learn the FDA is not about food safety, but rather about carefully concealing food poisons – oh but it’s too late, you just started chemo-therapy. It’s when you learn the government is not stockpiling weapons to fight terrorists – but rather they are the terrorists and the bullets are for Constitution supporting real patriots. Its when it you fully understand that Obama Care is the end of health care, but it’s too late for you, because the death panel has just decided you are too old for a liver transplant.

The empathically devoid psychopath is not lovable, but he can be called a tireless worker – working for a crescendo moment such as when it’s learned ‘sensible and reasonable’ gun control really means a sensible and reasonable way to disarm a population before using guns on them.

The same psychopaths writhe in ecstasy as American’s, when hearing North Korea announcing the intention to launch nuclear weapons on America, are paralyzed in fear. Fear the psychopaths know will obscure the facts: North Korea is the least likely nation on earth to be able to build nuclear weapons. North Korea is a fully devolved communist disaster; hungry, brain drained, ruled by a child video gamer -a nation destroyed from within by the same scourge once responsible for leaving the Soviets unable to produce even a working pair of gloves after their glorious Red revolution.

Sure the NK have developed nukes, and they have anti-gravity flying machines too.  The point being, if the North Koreans have a working, deployable nuclear weapon capable of reaching the United States, then it must be true the Western World, namely the United States, and the Western intelligence agencies, gave it to them to menace and terrorize, on cue, those very same Western countries. North Korea is nation-state incarnation of Orwell’s Emmanuel Goldstein – ready to attack and never stoppable.

America, the wealthiest nation on Earth and by far the most industrious of any in the past thousand years, should have been able to protect the minds of their children from careful and relentless manipulations of power-lusting psychopaths, which axiomatically are always awaiting the opportunity to create a crisis and take control. However, it is also true advanced technology, both physical and psychological, has been developed using confiscated American money, through taxes and direct theft, and deployed in many paradigms to block and interfere with truth and dissemination of information.

Advances in mind control technology, developed in secrecy over the previous 100 years have resulted in sophisticated and subtle thought manipulation, with many channels to the mind, including electromagnetic (non visual), visual, language, chemical and other more exotic technologies, creating a false reality pulled over our heads.

“The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look.” ~Caesar

The history of the psychopath is the history of humanity, intertwined and revolving in a perpetual yin and yang. Like a double stranded spiral DNA, the psychopath’s rise and fall corresponds to humanities’ rise and fall. It is only at troughs, or after a civilization collapses, when people become aware of the psychopaths affect, but the knowledge is ephemeral, like memory of birth pains in a female, it fades away.  Perhaps there is a deliberate, built in biological blind spot, something genetically engineered into humans forcing an endless building and destruction and rebuilding again. Perhaps we are just amusements in the hands of an angry god, doomed to repetitive replay and violent regurgitation of the same story, over and over again.

Can it be so hard to remember that man is either self responsible or the ward of another? Can it be so hard to retain and pass on the knowledge man must be able to protect himself in order to survive and reproduce, and therefore cannot be deprived of weapons for self defense?  Is it so hard to pass on to the next generation the “Wisdom of Insecurity”?  Is the transference of self responsibility to nameless collectors a fatal flaw in the expression of earth’s humanity?

At this moment we are about to experience a historic psychopath’s moment of ecstasy.  As far as I know, this has happened on this planet over and over since time immemorial, with remains of advanced-civilizations-fallen littered around the globe as our possible proof.

The psychopath’s moment of ecstasy is a period when the majority of the people on the planet are exposed to a hyperbolic explosion of a bubble of deceit – when reality comes rushing in as the oxygen of delusion is all consumed. It’s at this time humanity faces its greatest danger and simultaneously its greatest opportunity to grow and earn a rite of passage. It is the worst of times and it is the best of times.

“Awake, arise or be for ever fall’n.”

 — John Milton, Paradise Lost

Part Two: Paradigm’s Lost

Paradigms of the past are cracking; the gigantic sound of twisted metal and concrete creaking and falling to the ground can be heard by anyone awake and aware. Most sense something – but what? Most have a view point based on a view of life — likely a view derived from the prison of paradigms now lost.

The awakening is approaching and paradigms of deception are coming down all around. It is complicated, in my mind, to explain the race underway – the race between hard working psychopaths, intelligent indeed; planners and patient no doubt; and the lazy, life go lucky, ‘normal-paths’ (my made up word ) who are starting to see the writing on the wall. This is an important race, not just for the sheep on their way to slaughter, but for the wolves, carefully and jealously incubating and nurturing this long term plan now about to un-cloak.

The psychopaths have arranged for a defining moment of ecstasy – an extended ecstasy, because the diameter of the bubble of deception is larger than any time in recorded history.

But not only does the psychopath have his moment, ‘normal-paths’ too will experience an emotional thunder as paradigms once thought immutable vanish as vapor. The depth of the psychopath’s experience is dependent on the emotional expression of the normal-path; an experience maximized as the distance between reality and delusion most are suffering is maximized.

(Jessup) You Want Answers : (Kaffee) I want the truth : (Jessep) You can’t handle the truth **

The paradigms of our false reality are all lies.

Paradigms created over thousands of years for occulted purposes of collecting and harvesting human energies are now being exposed and the result will challenge humanities ability to cope, assimilate and recover.  Some, but by no means all, of the paradigms up for exposure include:

[ Paradigm == Reality ]

Government ==

Enslavement for profit and lust of control, psychopaths pretended necessity to keep man safe. Primary uses include creating constant turmoil, confusion, periodic war and wealth transference.

Organized Religion ==

Mind Control, Suppressing spiritual knowledge, suppressing humanities history, suppressing technology and historical science. Polarizing diverse cultures against each other. Creating diversity that can be exploited for maximum division of groups.

Medicine ==

Long Term Illness for profit, suppressing natural cures providing for manufactured symptom management.

Education ==

Disinformation, confusion, support of false paradigms

Suppression and control of powerful knowledge including energy systems and the history of humanity

Science ==

Limit human knowledge, preventing full understanding of reality, supporting profitable false paradigms of limited energy.

The Nature of Reality ==

Suppressing spiritual knowledge, suppressing humanities’ history, suppressing the knowledge that man does not require authorities to live free and happy, suppressing knowledge that energy is free and all around. Suppressing knowledge about our neighbors in the universe.

Trust ==

Deceit. The psychopaths are masters of the authority figure, the icon producers, Exchanging trust for pseudo intellectual symbols of trust – wooden nickels and tungsten filled gold, a stethoscope and lab jacket.

Security ==

A prison.  Security provided by the psychopaths is false. It is the deliberate destruction of all security in trade for liberties and payable in horror and fear.

Banking and Finance==

Complete fraud,  millenniums old scam purposely skimming wealth in small degrees over short periods of time while siphoning all wealth over long periods. A system of enslavement requiring the complete surrender of economic power or wealth to the banking conglomerate. It is a special Alchemy of turning the psychopath’s empty desire into gold (humanities’ gold.)

These are a few paradigms soon to be lost as will soon be evident. For non psychopaths waking up will be groggy as the drug of complacency starts to wear off. Meanwhile, as if the hangover and withdrawal symptoms are not enough, the psychopaths are already closing the prison doors – hurrying to complete the plan before humanity shakes off its spell.

Is there time to stop this ticking bomb ?  No, but there is time to change the ending and use this opportunity to tear down all the old paradigms and begin again.  Because the greatest fear of the psychopaths is:  humanity will use their work and years of preparation against them –  right at the moment when the trap is sprung.

I think the universe, or God or whomever each of us believes has our best interest in mind, has created an opening, a last minute possible escape, but it is only available if enough of us wake up, shake it off, see it for what it is, and then use it for everyone’s benefit; turning it back on our oppressors and taking back our birth right to life.

The paradigms lost were actually paradigms of enslavement and must be lost if humanity is to grow, once and forever, past this game of dominator and dominated and

ascend into a world of intellectual, spiritual and individual enlightenment. If we are to grow beyond the fear of insecurity, while learning to not need false comfort from controllers, and then renounce the need for some authority to offer the way, humanity will finally be able to leave the nest and self actualize into its destiny.

Now, as the psychopaths bring down the paradigms looking for fear and resignation, preying on emotional collapse; as financial systems are destroyed and our perceived means of protections fall away; as claims to property and other rights are repudiated and religions fail to rapture; as the psychopaths pretend unimaginable emergencies and bring false flag destruction and murder: now is the time to let go of the paradigms lost.

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. ~ Buddha

It is at this juncture between an end of one package of paradigms and a new paradigm, when mankind can release the chains, lose the paradigms of enslavement and regain responsibility for our own lives. As the fog of deception and the depravity of enslavement give way to reason and truth, it will become clear nothing has actually been taken away, our resources are still here and intact and no contracts signed tacitly or under duress are valid – our souls will be free and the veil of a false reality will fall, revealing a world of infinite possibilities.

For the first time in recorded history, the races of humanity can lose the paradigms of racial division, exacerbated for purposes of division by the psychopaths, and join together to fight a common enemy. The comments of Ronald Reagan regarding mankind’s need to come together in the event of an alien invasion, is actually a bit of predictive programming and can be used to overcome racial differences by recognizing we all have a common enemy now and we must come together.

The paradigms are lost and we can shout hallelujah and thank the psychopaths for bringing our souls to cleansing, for unlocking our sleeping minds to knowledge and spiritual enlightenment and the realization enough is really enough.

The co-evolution of humanity with the psychopath can now end and those that served the purposes of evil personified are finished and mankind can be freed from this parasite; the yin and yang of construction to destruction, over and over, completing and its purpose fulfilled.

“Sadly, sadly, the sun rose; it rose upon no sadder sight than the man of good abilities and good emotions, incapable of their directed exercise, incapable of his own help and his own happiness, sensible of the blight on him, and resigning himself to let it eat him away.  Dickens, “A Tale of Two Cities”

If only we open our eyes and see the opportunity. It is here right now and it will seem like a long time as the opening appears before closing – but the door to enlightenment will close soon enough again, and without courage and fortitude and willingness to push the boundaries of our paradigms now lost, it will close without us, perhaps forever.

Here are a few things that might help pry open the doors of our perception so we can “break on through through to the other side”.

Axiom: Psychopaths exist and are actively seeking to control and enslave your life.


Institutions based on trust alone will never be trustworthy.

Liberty traded for security will result in neither.

A child’s best and first champions are his and her parents.

Only coercion free competition can regulate a market.

There is no such thing as the public interest .

There is no public interest in national interests.

There are only individual interests.

Organized religion was organized for mind controlled.

Mandatory education systems funded by coerced payments will teach support of the system.

Mandatory health care will eventually kill you.

All men and women should be armed.

Cartels benefit only those in the cartel.

Patents and copyrights can be no longer than a generation ( ie., less than 20 years).

Words have definitions and will be used to deceive.

Knowledge is power and knowledge will be hoarded.

Individuals must continuously self educate.

Democracy is a tool of the psychopath.

Truth must be the highest virtue.

If groups must operate in secrecy they have something to hide.

Property taxes mean you do not own your property.

Income taxes are slavery.

Contract, maritime, and private law are legal fictions used to deceive.

Psychopaths will always work to eliminate competition.

Prohibitions will used as protection for systems above the law.

The prohibitors will become the pusher.

Legislating morality will increase corruption and immoral behavior.

I hope we are ready to meet the challenge this time. America is the world’s best hope to stop the endless cycle, it is time Americans rise to their destiny .

Rise like Lions after slumber

In unvanquishable number,

Shake your chains to earth like dew

Which in sleep had fallen on you-

Ye are many — they are few”

The Masque of Anarchy,  Percy Shelley

Jack Mullen: All Rights without Prejudice


* ”Pathocracy: Tyranny at the hand of the psychopaths”,http://www.infowars.com/pathocracy-tyranny-at-the-hand-of-psychopaths/

** “ A Few Good Men “ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104257/trivia?tab=qt

[A] Planned-Opolis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRFsoRQYpFM

General References:

“Republic”, Plato, Simon and Brown, January 13, 2013, ISBN:1613823703

“Utopia”, Thomas More, Simon and Brown, February, 27, 2012,ISBN:1613822480

“Death by Gun Control:The Human Cost of Victim Disarmament”, Aaron Zelman and Richard W. Stevens, Mazel Freedom Press, Inc (January 1, 2001), ISBN:0964230461

“Death by Government”,  R.J.Rummel,Transaction Publishers (January 1, 1997),ISBN:1560009276

“Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness” Jim Keith,Adventures Unlimited Pr (August 2003), ISBN:1931882215

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America – A Chronological Paper Trail, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, Conscience Press, 1999

The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, G. Edward Griffin, Amer Media, 2010

Mask of Sanity, Hervey Cleckley, M.D., 1941,PDF: http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/sanity_1.PdF

Political Ponerology, Andrew Lobaczewski, , Red Pill Press, Canada,1998, 2006

“Almost Human”, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, New Leaf Distribution Company, 2009

Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths,  Robert Hare, 1999, The Guilford Press

“The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil”,Philip Zimbardo, Random House Trade Paperbacks, reprint, January 22, 2008, ISBN: 0812974441

“The Wisdom of Insecurity”, Alan W. Watts, Vintage Books, 1951

“The Doors Of Perception: Heaven and Hell”, Aldous Huxley, Frontal Lobe Publishing, April 22, 2011, ISBN:1907590099

“Break on Through (to the Other Side)” , The Doors, The Doors, January 4, 1967

“We The Living”, Ayn Rand, NAL Trade, 75 Anv edition, June 28, 2011, ISBN:0451233263


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